🍄 I am a Frontend Developer and Engineer. This space is created for me and for those who want to know me better. I’m currently working with TypeScript/JavaScript-based projects. I like Next.js and Redux :)
MDX nedir

Bu örnekte, hem Markdown benzeri basit bir alıntı hem de özelleştirilmiş bir React bileşeni kullanarak oluşturulmuş bir...

Evimin Değeri“Evimin Değeri” is a React project that predicts the value of a house based on user-provided information. It uses the prices of houses for sale in Istanbul. In this project, a machine learning model was created to make predictions. This model was turned into an API to be used in the React project. (My thesis project)
#Next.js#Tailwind CSS#JavaScript#Python#Machine Learning
Spotify CloneI developed a Spotify web application using Next.js and Redux Toolkit, using Spotify’s API for backend services. I also created the UI components with Tailwind CSS.
#Next.js#Redux#TypeScript#Tailwind CSS